Merry Christmas and Hapyy New Year~!
Christmas, also known as Christmas, the birth of Jesus, translated as "Christian Mass", is a traditional Western festival, originating from Christianity, on December 25 each year. Mass is a kind of liturgy of the church. Christmas is a religious festival, because it is celebrated as the birth of Jesus, hence the name "Christmas Day." Most Catholic churches will hold the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve on December 24, the early morning of December 25, while some Christian churches will hold good news and then celebrate Christmas on December 25; A big branch - the Christmas celebration of the Orthodox Church is on January 7 of each year. Christmas is also a public holiday in the Western world and many other regions, such as Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia and Singapore in Asia. In the era of Constantine (AD 313), the ancient Roman church gradually became accustomed to celebrating the birth of the Lord on December 25.
CUMOND wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and concerns during the year.